[Sigia-l] 2 steps back and 3 steps forward?

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Mon Mar 5 21:01:35 EST 2007

On Mar-5-2007, at 14:57 , Will Parker wrote:

> On Mar 4, 2007, at 11:26 PM, Christopher Hadden wrote:
>> As a
>> designer, I would get this angst when my chrome-backed iPod got
>> smudged with fingerprints. I felt compelled to keep it polished.
> We're primates. Therefore, small, attractive objects that require
> frequent light grooming keep the owner interested and invested.

It's interesting, this "smudging" problem was often cited as design  
incentive in other devices. Creative & Microsoft would both say that  
their devices were designed to avoid this problem. The smudging, the  
scratching etc (in a general sense.)

Of course in tackling those problems, they negelected Will's  
excellent point and the reality that the beauty of the iPod when it's  
touched was a huge part of the appeal.

I do have one question though: why does my iPod screen scratch so  
easily, while my cell phone (currently a Sony Ericsson K750i) seems  
highly resistent.

>> I was glad to finally get rid of it after the hard drive crashed.

Interesting, Chris. Can I ask what else you bought that you liked?  
There have certainly been other iPod like devices that I've liked at  
first glance, the cohesiveness of the entire iPod experience keeps me  
on board.
Skot Nelson
skot (at) penguinstorm (dot) com

skype. skot.nelson

	"In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when
	 there is no longer anything to add, but when there
	 is no longer anything to take away."
	-- Antonine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars

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