[Sigia-l] Ideal Refresh Rates

Eric Reiss elr at e-reiss.com
Tue Jun 26 12:25:21 EDT 2007


Chris is right, this is very individual. However, 10 seconds sounds
long. By way of comparison, if you ask XP to display photos in a file
as a slide show, the flip rate is 5 seconds. One can only hope that
Microsoft did some research before making this decision. My Sony
camera, though, has a similar flip rate for a slide show.


FatDUX Copenhagen

---- Original Message ----
From: chris.fahey at behaviordesign.com
To: sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Ideal Refresh Rates
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:54:34 -0400

>Troy wrote:
>> Our site uses a Flash "slideshow" across the top of the 
>> home page... There are six potential images; one loads at 
>> random when a visitor loads the page, and then they cycle 
>> through at an interval of about ten seconds apiece...
>> From an information design and HCI (visual) perspective, 
>> any research on what that rate should be? 
>The answer is somewhere between "so frequently that it's annoying" 
>"so infrequently that you're likely to leave the page before seeing
>another slide".
>This duration is totally dependent on your content: Do the images 
>words in them that require reading? Are they single iconic images (a
>tiger's face) or complex images with deeper emotional resonance (the
>faces of a dejected basketball team sitting on a bench)? Are the 
>similar to each other, or very different in content and target 
>Is it important to an overall desired marketing impression that users
>see *all* of the slides (for example, the slides show your company's
>four core services)?
>In other words, "it depends."
>No research in the world will help you make this decision. This is a
>perfect example of the kind of gut call that somebody has to just go 
>on a limb and make (and be ready to defend) without having research 
>back up their decision.
>Christopher Fahey
>me: http://www.graphpaper.com 
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