[Sigia-l] Tools for tagging in the enterprise (behind fire wall)

Timo Kouwenhoven timo.kouwenhoven at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 10:03:06 EDT 2007

Dear all,

I've been searching for commercially available solutions for
enterprise tagging. Many of them are only able to tag something that's
on a web page. I found tag2find that is more geared towards file
systems, but doesn't cater for web pages.

Does anyone know about tools that solve the issue of tagging both web
pages and documents on file servers?

The ones that I checked already, and do not solve the problem are:
- tag2find
- del.icio.us
- connotea
- connectbeam
- wordmap
- dogear
- farfetch
- citeulike
- opendocs enterprise tagger
- fuzzzy.com

If you never saw fuzzzy.com, have a look, it combines social
bookmarking with semantic web technology (tags can be interrelated and
given a certain meaning to enhance search).


Timo Kouwenhoven
The Netherlands

Si vales bene est, ego quoque valeo.

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