[Sigia-l] Just for you women out there

Boyd.DeGroot at tietoenator.com Boyd.DeGroot at tietoenator.com
Tue Jun 12 10:19:53 EDT 2007

For about two decades I've been working in the enterprise space (and
mostly in Wall Street) where numbers, stats, best practices, ROIs or any
other 'objective measurement' run supreme. I may know a few things about
these, but I can't recall the last time I was hired because of mere
mastery of some quantifiable aspect of technology, design or
architecture. Facts are cheap and access to them is all you need.
Opinions are much harder to come by.

Again and again we see Ziya use a so-called "argument by authority" or
"argumentum ad verecundiam" 
as a last resort. Again, and obviously, we must conclude that Ziya's
authority does not automatically imply truth.
Eric and Alex (to my understanding) are simply inviting Ziya to come up
with other (logically valid) arguments. 
But, alas, before we know it we are in one of the typical SIGIA-L
vicious circles of unilateral ranting again.

If I were an ethologist this would be an interesting Fixed Action
Pattern to study further.


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