[Sigia-l] Just for you women out there

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 8 14:02:00 EDT 2007

Will Parker:

> NEC went for the cheap and gaudy end of the available cultural spectrum.

I can see that . :-)

My inherent question was: is that OK?

Someone said he was in the user experience business, not fashion. That also
captures the essence of the problem: are we like lawyers who'll defend
*anyone*, serial rapists, mobsters and all. (I'm not saying those shouldn't
get representation--lawyers sometimes are obligated to defend.) But should
UX design be relegated to the *implementation* of, in this case, fashion --
blind to taste, merit, aesthetics, etc?

Like everyone else here, I was asked to design Skip Intro stuff when that
fashion was in vogue a few years ago. When I refused, was I being stupid?
Incompetent? Out of touch?

Are we automaton implementers of what others tell us to design, or do we
still have the gumption to get outraged, and indeed, pass judgment?

Just sayin'.


In design, interaction is the last resort.

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