[Sigia-l] User Experience Strategy

Peter Morville morville at semanticstudios.com
Wed Jul 25 18:31:17 EDT 2007

Sure, comments here or there are fine.

Peter Morville
President, Semantic Studios


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Boyd [mailto:facibus at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 6:04 PM
To: Peter Morville
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] User Experience Strategy

On 7/25/07, Peter Morville <morville at semanticstudios.com> wrote:
> I've written an article about user experience strategy...
> http://semanticstudios.com/publications/semantics/000179.php
> ...and would love feedback. I'm especially interested in learning 
> about articles, presentations, or anything else I missed that deals 
> specifically with user experience strategy. I'd also be interested to 
> hear reactions to the strange connections I'm making between UX strategy
and futurity. Thanks!

Hi Peter,

given that I do not want to have a TypeKey identity, are you OK with
comments posted to the list?

Cheers, Andrew

Andrew Boyd

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