[Sigia-l] Google introduces animated icons on homepage

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 25 16:46:14 EDT 2007

Will Parker:

> Is strong branding _necessarily_ omnicultural?
> Does a world-class brand _require_ One True Look?

Branding is more art than science. Rigidity is not the driver of branding,
focus is. Google has been sufficiently focused all these years when there
have been many shrill voices to get them to jazz up. That focus got them
here; just remember what a breath of fresh air it was when it entered the

That branding/focus actually helped them innovate as well. What started out
as a simple searchbox now is the conduit to an amazing array of services and
functionalities. With another company we could easily have been looking at a
smorgasbord of confusion. I'd say adherence to branding/focus kept them in
discipline. I think Marissa Mayer often reiterates that.
> audience  expectations.

Touchy subject. :-) Do you always follow the audience or lead them when
necessary? When do you do which? If marketing is a conversation, when do you
simply nod your head and when do you tell a new story to your audience?
Especially when that story is your primary story, one which you'd like your
audience to remember you by, a story that perhaps invites the audience to
reconsider. That's why I called it earlier 'transformative'.

Apple, perhaps more than any other company, tells its own story and sticks
to it. Fully cognizant of the fact that not everyone will find it appealing.
The funny thing is, those who find the story compelling but not necessarily
wholly satisfying actually end up modulating their own behavior to better
enjoy the story. Again, they are transformed by the brand/focus.

So, in that sense, when you're a transformative leader you don't screw with
your brand/focus. You may have to pay the price of self-confidence. Or
likely, you may be rewarded for it.

In the Asian case, I find Google losing its focus, without much gain. All it
tells me is that they can put on lipstick. Nice to know. :-)

"Every problem comes from a solution."

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