[Sigia-l] SIG-IA group on Facebook

Paul Trumble paultrumble at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 19:04:20 EDT 2007

On 7/16/07, Leisa Reichelt <leisa.reichelt at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm curious as to why one would choose facebook over something like
> > linkedin.com?  Is there a SIGIA group on linkedin?
> I would have thought it would be because FaceBook is a social space where
> you can share conversations, images etc. where as LinkedIn is just lists
> of
> contacts and work histories etc
> Not to put down facebook, but the smartfilter factor is pretty strong.  I
can't get to it from work either, and I suspect that is pretty common in
larger organizations.  Granted the question and answer piece of linkedin is
not quite a conversation, but it's not entirely unlike facebook.  And then
there is the mailbox.

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