[Sigia-l] Usability Testing

Christopher Fahey askrom at graphpaper.com
Sun Jan 21 19:24:28 EST 2007

Bill Killam wrote:  
> (You see that in discussion here all the time - Re: "how dare 
> a 'usability specialist' or Human Factors Engineer or 
> whomever dare critique the design *I*, the all wise and all 
> knowing IA or interaction designer, came up with" or 
> discussion of programmer versus designer responsibility and 
> authority).  

I wonder how you get that impression. I don't think I've ever seen anyone
post anything like that *here* or on any other IA/UX lists (although you see
that all the time on graphic design lists, particularly among younger

Around here it's always the exact opposite: "How dare some lowly interaction
designer dispute that which *I*, the all-wise and all knowing usability
specialist, have concluded using my flawless user testing methodology, my
reams of pre-existing research, and my advanced degree in HCI." 

Or "I am just a lowly interaction designer and nobody listens to what I say.
Can any user researchers or certified HCI experts provide me with some kind
of research-based ammunition to prove that which my experience and common
sense already tells me is correct?"

I would be overjoyed to see an IA or UX designer stand up for their
expertise for once instead of deferring to research without questioning
their all-too-often flawed methodologies or specious relevance to the
particular problem.

I do agree with Bill's general premise, however, when applied to the
consulting world: Hiring the same company to design a product and to
actually test it is just foolish. Consulting companies usually have a deep
vested interest in proving their own designs and strategies correct -- at
best testing will invalidate low-level tactics. An external team with no
knowledge of the gravity or impact of undermining a project's most
fundamental strategic assumptions is less likely to avoid conclusions which
question those assumptions. 

As far as situations when a company designs its own products internally
(that is, without going outside for design consulting), and then tests same
internally, I cannot speak to that. My experience is almost exclusively in


Christopher Fahey
biz: http://www.behaviordesign.com
me: http://www.graphpaper.com

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