[Sigia-l] scheme v. schema

Ruth Kaufman ruth.kaufman at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 13:54:23 EDT 2007


I need to craft a statement that explains the difference between the
notion of a scheme and a schema -- as in classification scheme v.
schema (not XML schema, per se).

The context: I'm preparing a workshop for content strategists about
classification and taxonomy work and deliverables. This statement will
be included in the training materials, and I will also do my best to
use the nomenclature consistently in my ongoing communications.

My thinking is that 'scheme' is a more general, "plain English" term
for things and ideas that resemble an information classification
concept, model or plan. Whereas a 'schema' is an artifact or
deliverable -- a scheme that is documented and implementable.

Does this sound right? Other considerations?

Thanks in advance!


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