[Sigia-l] Euro IA Summit 2007 - Call for Participation

Eric Reiss elr at e-reiss.com
Wed Apr 18 05:19:06 EDT 2007

(apologies for cross-posting)

Euro IA Summit 2007 – Translating Information Architecture

Barcelona, Spain 
September Fri 21st – Sat 22nd 

Call for Participation 

We are seeking proposals for presentations, case studies, panels and
posters for the 2007 European Information Architecture Summit. 

The theme of this year’s Summit, ‘Translating Information
Architecture’ will allow Information Architects from all over Europe
(and beyond) to come together to discuss how we translate Information

-	Between languages
-	Within our profession
-	To clients and other stakeholders
-	To other electronic and physical spaces 

We welcome innovative, exciting, and unexpected takes on the theme,
so if you feel you have a contribution to make, please submit! 

We encourage submissions from practitioners, academics, and students.
We also want to hear from developers, business analysts, managers,
and others who work with information architects and/or deal with
information architecture. 

See http://www.euroia.org/callforsubmissions.html for information on
how to submit. 

The submission deadline for case studies, presentations, panel ideas
and poster is Tuesday May 15th 2007. So if you have a great idea for
a panel, presentation, case study or posters don’t wait until the
last minute – let us know about it NOW! 

The 2007 Euro IA Summit is Sept 21-22, 2007, in Barcelona, Spain. 
See http://www.euroia.org/ for more information.

See you in Spain!

Eric Reiss
Chair, EuroIA Summit 2007

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