[Sigia-l] Web browser based diagramming

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Mar 27 18:25:31 EST 2006

Stewart Dean:

> At the moment there are tools you can build a prototype in, i've done so using
> flash and dreamweaver in the past, but it's a very long winded process and the
> prototype is seperate to the final result.

With tools like Expression/Flex, the prototype *is* the product/"final
result", if that's what you want. Their purpose in life is to make creating
a functional product as rapid and painless as possible, without requiring
such long winded processes as wireframes, diagrams, charts and other
paraphernalia. Prototyping a non-Flash app in Flash, for example, is not the
same as building an app in Expression or Flex. The latter does *not* have to
be a throw-away proxy, if that's what you want. It's as functional and as
real as it will ever get. The fact that it'll allow you demonstrate temporal
and spatial actions, interactions, animations, gestural feedbacks, etc.,
that wireframes and charts won't is just the icing on the cake.


"If you can't feed a team with two pizzas, the size of the team is too

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