[Sigia-l] Web browser based diagramming

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Mar 27 15:25:32 EST 2006

Stewart Dean:

> you 'extreme user experience' view

My 'extreme user experience' view?

In the parlance, would that be "XUX"? I wonder how that's pronounced... in
polite company.

And this is in contrast to "HUX" ("Halfway User Experience") or "IBUX"
("Itty Bitty User Experience")?

Stewart Dean:

> Validation of an IA, as the article points out, is best done using prototyping
> or even actual use.

But, God forbid, we should heed that advice in *this* thread and begin to
learn about tools that actually allow you do it. But that would be XUX,


"If you can't feed a team with two pizzas, the size of the team is too

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