[Sigia-l] Web browser based diagramming

Stewart Dean stew8dean at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 26 08:41:56 EST 2006

>From: Listera <listera at rcn.com>
>To: SIGIA-L <sigia-l at asis.org>
>Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Web browser based diagramming
>Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 13:50:34 -0500
>Stewart Dean:
> > It's about adding application flow and site structure back into the 
> > rather then concentrating on page level implimentation
>Once again, Expression is not about web page, but *application* design. It
>doesn't force the designer to concentrate on implementation at all.

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to disagree - from what I've seen, and this 
is from viewing the demonstration videos only and reading up on the 
functionality, it is *very* implimentation orientated.

> > But it has not strucutre and flow aspect to it. In short it's
> > missing and that's what I would look for in an IA tool.
>It's not *missing* it; it renders it obsolete.

I think you've missed the point totaly.

>It's not *another* step; it's
>fully functional. It's aggressively against the notion of wireframes, flow
>charts, diagrams and such. The application doesn't need such
>ambiguity-inducing kludges; the application speaks for itself.

This sounds like you don't like the idea of flows/sitemaps and wireframes. 
As that's well over 50% of what I spend my time doing as an IA and is the 
core of design for a project it does make me wonder how plan your 
applications prior to putting interactive elements into place.

>Instead of
>abstracting structure/flow/etc out of the design process as disjointed
>deliverables, one designs the application itself...directly, without having
>to resort to stand-ins. It *is* a different way of designing.

Sounds how things used to be done prior to someone realising that like a 
building, you need a plan prior to building things. Currently the disjoined 
nature of the IA process is a big problem, it's time consuming but leads to 
high quality results. I'm saying is the diagraming, planning stage needs to 
seamlessly integrate with the implimentation stage and, as much as possible, 
make that phase much shorter and partly automated. View it as CAD for 
interactive projects. Why drag a drop down widget onto a page when the 
system already knows all the feilds and elements it needs for a page?

I rechecked agasint the expression site to make sure I wasnt missing the 
point. The expression packedge is made up of three parts.

First is a graphic design tool that uses XMAL to output elements - it's 
photoshop, illustrator.
Interactive designer is about front end design - it works with visual studio 
- it's a interaction design environment, much like the Flash creation tools 
and other click and drag interface tools.
Web designer - it's directy in the dreamweaver space.

I stick to what I said - as an IA I deal with structure, flow, etc. These 
tools can be used to impliment that structure but not create it, unless you 
are seriously suggesting you put together the structure by creating it bit 
by bit and seeing if it'll fly, fire fighting as you go. I hope you're not 
suggesting this as that's where interaction design was over ten years ago.

Stew Dean

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