[Sigia-l] Web browser based diagramming

Listera listera at rcn.com
Sat Mar 25 13:50:34 EST 2006

Stewart Dean:
> It's about adding application flow and site structure back into the process
> rather then concentrating on page level implimentation

Once again, Expression is not about web page, but *application* design. It
doesn't force the designer to concentrate on implementation at all.

> But it has not strucutre and flow aspect to it. In short it's
> missing and that's what I would look for in an IA tool.

It's not *missing* it; it renders it obsolete. It's not *another* step; it's
fully functional. It's aggressively against the notion of wireframes, flow
charts, diagrams and such. The application doesn't need such
ambiguity-inducing kludges; the application speaks for itself. Instead of
abstracting structure/flow/etc out of the design process as disjointed
deliverables, one designs the application itself...directly, without having
to resort to stand-ins. It *is* a different way of designing.


"Innovate as a last resort."

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