[Sigia-l] Re: Where's the reality?

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Sat Mar 11 20:37:18 EST 2006

On Mar-11-2006, at 2:45 AM, Donna Maurer wrote:

> Now I only take jobs where I have the freedom to explore and, after  
> exploring, create
> *good* work.

A long time ago - something like 5 years - I went to see Bruce Mau  
speak in Toronto and he said something similar. He said he didn't  
accept any project where he wasn't able to create beautiful things.

I sort of scoffed at the time, commenting on Bruce's prominence,  
noting that he can pretty much pick and choose projects.

This may be true, but I also know one thing: every project I've  
worked on where the bottom line mattered more than getting something  
done well, making it beautiful in the broadest sense of the word the  
project has not turned out well. Employees unhappy, projects not  

So perhaps Donna's (and Bruce's) advice is good.

Another tidbit of advice from Bruce with respect to running a small  
studio: no project should be more than 20% of the studio's revenue.  
The impact of a problem/downturn with a single project is too great  
if it is.

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