[Sigia-l] SIGIA-L is dead

Stewart Dean stew8dean at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 11 04:41:39 EST 2006

>Listera <listera at rcn.com>

>Some people think they have a god-given license to tell others what issues
>are dogmatically pure to cover on the list and what aren't. That's patently
>absurd for IA, or any other nascent related field.

People enjoy your posts when on topic but recently the dicussion about your 
over posting has lead to more over posting. Many people, including myself, 
feel this is inconsiderate. I don't think anyone has attempted to be 
dogmatic on this issue but have voiced their opinion.

The simple matter is that discussions about discussing have filled this 
community with noise. I have, as a good community member, tried to deal with 
your posts off group but, riightly or wrongly, want to just clarify what I 
feel the problem is. The problem is too much noise, be it you or others.

You appear to see it as your right to post noise and that those who complain 
are being dogmatic and trying to enfoce censorship rather than embracing 
free speech, or something like that.

The think about free speech is it does not except you from the consiquences. 
If you over post with off topic content, as you do, then you will naturaly 
upset people and lead to unsubscriptions. If you do not understand why they 
are upset then that indicates a lack of sensitvity for others on the forum. 
By posting this I understand I am likely to lead to others thinking 'oh 
please just shut up', it's adding to the noise.

In short this is not about you personaly, it applies to anyone who is part 
of an community like this. Be responsible for your own posts and limit the 
noise so the community is easier to use and enables others to have their 
say. Too much needless information is as limiting as consoring  information 
- read  Brave New World back to back with 1984 to see what I mean.

Stewart Dean

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