[Sigia-l] Card Sorting for a site with a thousand topics

Todd Warfel lists at toddwarfel.com
Tue Jul 25 22:46:47 EDT 2006


We've done card sorts on similar scales of content (1200+). What we  
did was filter the sample size down to about 220 or so, which worked  
just fine. We pre-filtered based on doing some initial sorting  
ourselves and where there was a group, we'd pick 2-3 from that group  
(e.g. several press releases).

On Jul 25, 2006, at 5:33 PM, Subir Kumedan wrote:

> Has anybody participated or conducted a card sort of a similar type/ 
> scale. Any insights will be very valuable.
> Thanks in advance,
> Subir


Todd R. Warfel
Partner, Design & Usability Specialist
Messagefirst | designing and usability consulting
Contact Info
Voice:    (607) 339-9640
Email:    todd at messagefirst.com
AIM:       twarfel at mac.com
Blog:      http://toddwarfel.com
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In practice, they are not.

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