[Sigia-l] Toss beta feedback in the bin?

Billie Mandel Billie.Mandel at openwave.com
Mon Jul 17 18:07:44 EDT 2006

Thanks to the clever-as-ever Ms Donna, I've found it:

- Billie

-----Original Message-----
From: Donna Maurer [mailto:donnam at maadmob.net] 
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 2:50 PM
To: Billie Mandel
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Toss beta feedback in the bin?

The 37 signals guys were talking about this a while back. It was more 
about not paying attention to every request - that the important issues 
would bubble up.

I'm about to dash out, so can't find the exact one. Start here:


Billie Mandel wrote:
> Anyone remember an article that circulated a year-ish ago about
> feedback emails, I believe on a beta product?  The article suggested
> that it was important to allow the customers the opportunity to
> feedback -- particularly feature requests, I think --  but that the
> way to manage that feedback was to ignore it and rely on user and
> research to define the enhancements and new features for a product. 
> Anyone save this article?  The search terms my brain is associating
> what I remember of the article are not helping, either in the archives
> or the internet at large. 
> Cheers, 
> - Billie
> **********
> Billie Mandel
> Information Architect
> Openwave Systems Inc
> billie.mandel at openwave.com
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