[Sigia-l] Putting the "Graphic" back with "Designer"(was:thelesser importance of home pages)

prady pradyotrai at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 21:29:07 EST 2006

This is obviously rhetrical debate. We are not talking about "context", Right?
Because if you do you will say, "it depends".

Here's my question from those who advocate fancy titles and clear
classification of "labor" --
Is there any study you can point, which suggests that classifiing your
teams/roles under silos of GD/ID/IA/Usability improves final product,
increases efficiency and gets more bang-for-the-buck?

BTW, generalists are "to handle the smaller projects" is just a
mindset. For example, Mckinsey trains it's consultant as "generalist".
And they are best on much bigger design issues.

You can't solve the whole problem, if you don't breakaway from the
"silo" mindset.


On 1/5/06, Listera <listera at rcn.com> wrote:
> Eric Scheid:
> > That's why we have generalists too, to handle the smaller projects.
> Like, say, the iPod.
> ----
> Ziya

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