Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Site maps for web apps, vs for content sites?

Mark Richman markrichman at
Thu Feb 9 07:58:40 EST 2006

Following up Annie's comment about "turning the site map on its side", I've been mapping out interactions by using "button" maps, where a box represents a single page (or state, if you like) and the only thing in each box are the navigation buttons...such as Save, Cancel, Previous, Save and Choose Another, etc...(this is a web app). To the right of each button I place its destination, along with the reason(s) the user might need to use this button. 

This allows me to get a big chunk of the flow on a single page, easily locate buttons (and user intent) that I am missing, uncover extraneous navigation, and makes it easier to explain to the client.

I've been using this to debug ineractions and refine wizards, but it could be a concise piece of documentation as well.

And, exactly how does one "turn the site map on its side" anyway?

Mark Richman


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