[Sigia-l] Web Developers

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Feb 6 14:04:25 EST 2006

Bill Killam:

> To reiterate my point, this distinction between designer and "usability
> person" is inappropriate.

I'm sorry you feel that way, especially in light of the fact that the
marketplace seems to have made that decision in the way they are hired for
fairly distinct roles.

> If you are referring to a person who only does usability tests then I agree,
> but there is little point in making that claim.

There are many people, on this list even, who do just that.

> If you are referring to a "usability engineer" it depends on the
> person since that title is not regulated or universally defined.

And other titles are?

> If I'm, not mistaken, the "D" in UCD stands for design - not testing.

Not sure what this means. UCD is not a prerequisite to design in any way.

> Yes, there are many in "usability people" who only test.  Just as there are
> many designers, who simply don't.

Someone who never tests shouldn't be allowed to design.

> User-centered design requires both design and user research.

Again, UCD is but one way to design.

> And I have some test people who can help redesign but are not good at
> designing from scratch.

They are not designers, period.


Design is doing for a dime what anyone can do for a dollar.

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