[Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility

David (Heller) Malouf dave.ixd at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 19:56:22 EDT 2006

Selected against? besides Andrews examples, no, can't think of many

Selected for? ... that's sorta where I'm headed.
there is also the how they manifest their empathy, and whether or not
they make empathy a literal part of their process.

I.e. Business Analysts (to cut cross to the bone) do not include
"empathy" as one of the core reasons for doing their processes.
However, Goal-Directed Design and Contextual Inquiry both include
"empathy" or similar terms as a core reason for doing the processes
they do.

so while I doubt that a BA would say, we don't want to be empathetic
to users, I also have barely ever heard a BA say that empathy is a
driving determinant as to the processes and methods they use for
arrivign at their creative solutions.

Does that mean they can't? of course not ... but that also doesn't
mean that they are trained to do so.

I see empathy as a key differentiator of the design profession from
other similar creative professions and I have not heard from you
examples of where other creative professions specifically include
"empathy" or similar terminology as to why they do the processes and
methods they use.

Does this make us "better" somehow ... well as someone who sees a lot
of good things in Design (w/ a big D), well maybe we are for those
reasons, but that also isn't to say that Designers don't have a heck
of a lot to learn from other creative (and non-creative) professions,
just like Designers have actively been incorporating a ton of lessons
from science, social science, behavioral sciences, cognitive sciences,
history, biology, economics, business, etc. over the last century as

-- dave

On 8/31/06, Ziya Oz <listera at earthlink.net> wrote:
> David (Heller) Malouf:
> > Trades have different points-of-view, but we can't acknowledge them?
> Look, you're the one who interjected empathy (for the user) as a
> differentiator. That's what I'm objecting to, whether you like it or not.
> I'm not aware of any trade that explicitly excludes such empathy from its
> "point of view," are you?
> ----
> Ziya
> Usability >  Simplify the Solution
> Design >  Simplify the Problem
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David (Heller) Malouf
dave.ixd at gmail.com

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