[Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Wed Aug 9 01:18:25 EDT 2006

On Aug-8-2006, at 6:50 PM, Jay Linden wrote:

> Skot seems to be suggesting that one should have a MySpace space  
> *or* a
> Website.  That's like saying one should have an automobile *or* a
> refrigerator.

Hmmm...I understand the interpretation, but it wasn't *really* what I  

I think the key to My Space is the "social networking" aspect. I've  
got a huge site that's full of pictures etc. that few people know  
about -- by choice. It exists for very close friends and family.  
('course anybody who wants can google it pretty readily, though this  
wasn't always true.)

Quite different from my Flickr presence, which does (or, should I  
say, could) benefit from the interconnected nature of the medium.

The two can compliment each other, and I think are very different  
tools. I see many musicians (this being My Space's initial target  
market) setting up My Space networks with what I would characterize  
as preliminary information then linking to more dedicated, more  
information rich personal sites.
Skot Nelson
skot (at) penguinstorm (dot) com

skype. skot.nelson

	"In aything at all, perfection is finally attained not when
	 there is no longer anything to add, but when there
	 is no longer anything to take away; when a body has
	 been stripped down to its nakedness."
	-- Antonine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars

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