[Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 8 23:26:13 EDT 2006

Dan Saffer:

> Some influential architects wrote a book called Learning From Las
> Vegas to examine what made Las Vegas tick.

(Geez, exhausted from a month-long project that I delivered this afternoon,
I take a nap, wake up and then just start reading emails about a thread I'd
started back in the winter. I thought my internal clock was completely
busted. :-)

When I was an undergraduate, I interned with Robert Venturi, Denise Scott
Brown and Steven Izenour, at their Philadelphia office, photographed many of
their work around Philly and ended up writing a paper on Venturi's The Guild

Venturi was certainly known as a post-modernist thought leader ("Complexity
and Contradiction in Architecture"). However, before they published
"Learning from Las Vegas" they were not all that influential on a global
scale. It was, in fact, that book that put them on the map.

What is curious to me two decades later is that the Las Vegas "strip" grew
up. Las Vegas became the fastest growing city and one of the biggest
destinations in the nation for FAMILY vacations! It's been sanitized,
cocooned, wrapped up in gleaming glass & steel and served up 24x7 as the
epitome of SAFE entertainment.

Less is a bore no more? And so it will be with MySpace?


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