[Sigia-l] Information Architecture 2006 Progress Grants

Lori Baker wittyandsmart at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 07:43:18 EDT 2006

The Information Architecture Institute (IAI) is pleased to announce the
Information Architecture Progress Grants for 2006. The purpose of the
program is to twofold: to encourage researchers and practitioners to
investigate IA-specific issues, and to publicize useful work that furthers
the information architecture body of knowledge.

Two progress grants are available, each for US$1000. The IAI Progress Grant
Committee will review the proposals and select those with the highest
potential to benefit the information architecture field. Half of the grant
amount will be awarded when the grant recipients are announced and half when
the work is completed. Progress grants will only be awarded to proposals of
sufficient quality, clarity, and originality. 

Applications should propose work that will forward the theory and practice
of information architecture. This can include original research, a synthesis
of important existing research, or the development of an innovative new

Work supported through this program will be published on the iainstitute.org
website, but it should have relevance beyond the Tools and Library
collections. For instance, the work could inform future IAI workshop
curricula, tie in with potential Institute publishing projects, be
responsive to issues raised by members in the email discussion list, or
support other Institute activities, such as Local Groups and International

Further information about the IA Progress Grants, including previous
progress grant reports, are available at

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