[Sigia-l] My card sorting book is underway!

Listera listera at rcn.com
Tue Apr 25 17:50:51 EDT 2006

Berry, Nicholas F:

> Imagine trying to sell an expensive IA/IR project to an exec against several
> other "good-idea" projects when all you have for backup is touchy-feely stuff.

Well, there's nothing touchy-feely about field work, especially when the
findings are well articulated. Of course, I can characterize card sorting as
statistical junk, too. :-)

As you might guess, I don't buy much of this "quantification" nonsense. I've
been working smack in the middle of Wall Street for well over a decade and
numbers are generally worshipped, but even here where once we've had to do
ROI justification on ROI justification, I'm not encountering a problem.


Usability >  Simplify the Solution
Design >  Simplify the Problem

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