[Sigia-l] Video metadata

Peter Van Dijck peter at poorbuthappy.com
Mon Apr 10 15:52:11 EDT 2006

> I always use the example of a two-minute video with my mother cooking my 
> favorite dish, boeuf a la moutarde. She talks about Dijon but never says 
> the word mustard. Could I come across this video if you searched for 
> 'mustard'?

Nice example, but I don't buy it. If you're searching for this video 
with your mom in it, it'll have a variety of metadata with it. Dates, 
thumbnails, perhaps some tags or related videos. If "mustard" doesn't 
return it, a search for "mom", "dish" or "1998" might. Or just scroll 
through a bunch of videos with thumbnails and you'll probably find it. 
You don't need complete metadata, just good enough.


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