[Sigia-l] Mac mail packages

Todd Warfel lists at toddwarfel.com
Fri Apr 7 22:30:26 EDT 2006

Perhaps if you listed out what you'd like it to do, some of us could  
point out ways of accomplishing that with Mail, or some other app.

On Apr 7, 2006, at 9:27 PM, A.F. Cossham wrote:

> Stewart - pretty close. I guess my frustration with "Mail" came out  
> in possibly the wrong way (didn't expect some of this discussion!).  
> So, some things I consider standard I don't seem to be able to do  
> (and I'm not an idiot when it comes to computers), or the software  
> is forcing certain things together in a package. I don't want to  
> write my own software - God forbid! -  (and there's quite a number  
> of things I want to do - the shared mailboxes/accounts thing was  
> one example), but I'd expect certain things from software designed  
> to deal with email - and this doesn't do what I think it should.  
> Transparency is an issue as well  - that is, finding out HOW to do  
> what I want has also been a challenge. That's bad design.


Todd R. Warfel
Partner, Design & Usability Specialist
Messagefirst | designing and usability consulting
Contact Info
Voice:    (607) 339-9640
Email:    todd at messagefirst.com
AIM:       twarfel at mac.com
Blog:      http://toddwarfel.com
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