[Sigia-l] Web browser based diagramming

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Apr 3 17:08:23 EDT 2006

Stewart Dean:

> Ziya's suggestion of just building it without planning it first does appear to
> be attractive...

Just for the record, I didn't say that.

There's a difference between the functional prototype that in my world acts
as the spinal cortex of a project, which is the center of attention for all
stakeholders, and numerous other artifacts that one creates in the name of
planning, presentation, documentation, etc. Many of the latter, at least in
my world, should never be seen by the client or the vast majority of the
stakeholders. They are work-products, transitory, exploratory snippets of
activity that feed into and are subsumed by the prototype. They are
satellites of the prototype, not disjointed, separate, autonomous
deliverables in their own right. In my projects, all eyes are on the


"If you can't feed a team with two pizzas, the size of the team is too

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