[Sigia-l] UI Lecture at UT iSchool, Austin

Valerie Gomez valeriegomez at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 17:29:31 EDT 2005

UT ASIS&T is proud to announce:

Special Guest Speaker:
Matthew Bookspan,
Director of Product Management
Pluck Corporation www.pluck.com

Lecture: User Interface Design

When: Thursday, 9/29/05, 6:00 p.m.

Where: Sanchez Building, Room 468
(Map: http://www.utexas.edu/maps/main/buildings/szb.html)

Everyone welcome!

Matthew Bookspan is Director of Product Management at Pluck Corporation 
(www.pluck.com), right here in Austin. He has graciously agreed to talk 
with UT ASIS&T members and friends about the subject of User Interface 

A 14 year veteran of the high-tech industry, Matthew is passionate about 
end-user products and his talk will center on real-life UI design, 
including how to make trade-offs in order to ship the right products on 

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iSchool, University of Texas at Austin

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