[Sigia-l] Seeking Best Practices: order for chaos

Listera listera at rcn.com
Tue Sep 27 00:59:07 EDT 2005

Eric Scheid:

>> a reflection of (or supported by) the organizational structure
> ah yes, design the website to match the org-chart ...
> everything old is new again ;-)

What's new here is the implied imperative you missed in the messages from me
and, I believe, Sarah: a website cannot operate in contradiction to the
organization it serves. Or viewed another way, an organization can't be
sustainably changed simply by concocting a new virtual order with a website.
What needs to change *is* the organization.

Now, as I indicated in my earlier post to this thread, a website can be a
very useful tool *if* it's an explicit part of a deliberate process to
change the organization, in which case it represents an integrated direction
as opposed to a lurking contradiction.


Best Practices,
For when you've run out of your own ideas and context.

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