Visio Document Stencil, was Re: [Sigia-l] How do you make HTML wireframes

Todd Levy toddlevy at
Fri Sep 2 23:49:02 EDT 2005

If you drag a shape (i.e. the thing you want to reuse) from a Visio drawing 
file into the "document stencil" task pane, you can then edit the shape 
master and when you close the editing window it will give you the option to 
change all instances of the shape on all pages in the drawing file.

I believe this to be the functionality described below as missing.

That said, it's of somewhat limited use b/c if you change the dimensions of 
the item, the other objects in the document won't know to move since the 
program has no sense of rendering flow.


P.S. I haven't used it, but Serena Process View Composer can be used to 
create HTML prototypes and a host of other formal documentation. They offer 
WebEx demos if you want to see it in action.

>Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 16:47:53 -0500
>From: Fred Beecher <fbeecher at>
>Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] How do you make HTML wireframes
>On 9/1/05, Matthew Gessler <matthew.gessler at> wrote:
> >
> > For those of you who do create HTML wireframes, are you employing a
> > "code library" to easily produce common components? What is your
> > general process? Has turn-around time ever been an issue? (I know at
>I haven't used the Axure tool I mentioned earlier on a formal project
>yet, but this is one of the reasons I am so impressed by it. It allows
>you to create "master objects" (but they're called by some other odd
>name I never remember) that you can define once and re-use at will,
>which is something Visio has sorely been lacking.

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