[Sigia-l] Microsoft way vs Apple way

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Sat Oct 29 13:31:03 EDT 2005

On Oct-29-2005, at 9:58 AM, Scott Abel wrote:

> come a day (if Apple and Intel have anything to say about it) when  
> we won't have to use the Mac versus Microsoft examples at all, when  
> users can chose which operating system they prefer and load it on  
> their favorite Mac or PC without regard for the control issues so  
> many of us dislike. Personally, I relish the idea of end-users  
> being given the opportunity to "switch" to whatever OS works for them

Nice dream. Anybody remember CHRP?



Intel may well succeed where Motorola, IBM and Apple did not. I'm  
sure the story behind CHRPs demise involves a great deal of backroom  
intrigue amongst these three organizations.

It may be that Intel creates a solution by brute  force that  
Microsoft must accept. I somehow doubt it.

More likely, I still feel we'll see increasing use of less general  
purpose computers. People on this list will likely always have a  
General Purpose Personal Computer, while many people increasingly  
interact with special needs computers (sometimes without knowing it)  
- iPods, Cell phones, Blackberries, Microwave ovens, Bank ATMs.

Baby boomers are retiring and, in many cases, are doing little more  
than email and web surfing, manage their digital photos and maybe  
watch a DVD. These people do not need to spend US$1,299 for an entry  
level iMac G5 to do this.

I haven't seen the new iMac G5 yet, btw, but aside from the form  
factor of the ugly grey box, I was initially much more impressed with  
Windows XP Multimedia Edition. Why? You could interact with all your  
media via Remote Control. Buy the computer, drop it in place, forget  
that you ever bought a computer and what operating system you're using.
Scott Nelson
skot at penguinstorm.com

skype. skot.nelson

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