[Sigia-l] (no subject)

Richard Hill dick at asis.org
Fri Oct 28 20:36:19 EDT 2005

[Forwarded by request.  Dick Hill]

Library Associates seeks for immediate consideration a temporary Media Asset
Librarian/Website Taxonomist.  This is a temporary position of two to three
months in duration.  The Media Asset Librarian/Website Taxonomist
("Librarian") must work on site at our client’s office in Dulles, VA.

Librarian Objectives
The temporary Librarian, working under the supervision of the regular,
full-time Company Media Asset Librarian, should be an expert on all matters
of metadata creation and use, and content classification using taxonomies
and other types of controlled vocabularies and word lists.  Overall, the
Librarian coordinates the organization of assets, modules and pages for
storage and retrieval by carrying out the following specific objectives:

	*	Create “lite” taxonomies for the channels mentioned above.  These
taxonomies do not need to be more than a couple levels deep.
	*	Examples of taxonomies: Travel, Autos, Health and Fitness, Personal
Finance, and so forth.
	*	The taxonomies will be employed as controlled vocabularies to label
video, images and other assets as metadata
	*	The taxonomies will also be used in user facing applications to act as a
browsable structure.
	*	Taxonomies must be sized to be appropriate to existing assets will also
taking into account future growth of assets.

The taxonomies would need to be built using two (2) temporary librarians
over a period of about eight to ten weeks.

The position will work on the Content Management program encompassing an
overall media asset management initiative for capturing, structuring,
maintaining and providing mission-critical knowledge, information and data
that enables a data-driven publishing model and asset discovery in search
and navigation applications across the companies products.

The program’s primary objective is to develop and maintain a unified Media
Library catalog of published and selected publishable assets. This catalog
will provide thorough, accurate and timely metadata for all media assets; an
effective means of accessing metadata by descriptive, topical, and editorial
elements; an effective means of exporting metadata to downstream products,
and importing new asset metadata and sources for metadata enrichment.

The Librarian is specifically charged with creating taxonomies for
Company-specified channels (e.g. Auto, Health, Travel, Weather, etc.).

* Previous experience working in taxonomies, thesauri, and/or controlled
vocabularies is mandatory;
* Experience working with website/Internet taxonomies is mandatory;
* Experience in an online services company/Internet industry is strongly
* MLS is a strong plus;
* Must be able to work on site (no telecommuting).

* Apply online by clicking Inquire or email resume to Keith Gurtzweiler,
keith at libraryassociates.com <mailto:keith at libraryassociates.com>.
* Please indicate compensation expectations in cover letter.
* Equal Opportunity Employer

Richard Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
Fax: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900


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