[Sigia-l] Re: Does geography affect usability and user testing

Mitchell Gass mitchell at participatorydesign.com
Tue Nov 22 07:49:49 EST 2005

At 01:58 AM 11/22/2005, Matthew Goddard asked:
>Are the techniques etc. discussed on the list biased towards 
>designing for an American user base?...If location does affect how 
>you work with users then what are the experiences of list members 
>from other countries?

One adaptation for local differences is the "Bollywood Technique" for 
usability testing in India:


Mitchell Gass
uLab | PDA: Learning from Users | Designing with Users
Berkeley, CA 94707 USA
+1 510 525-6864 voice
+1 510 525-4246 fax

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