[Sigia-l] RE: Web Usability Testing

Jiangping Chen jpchen at unt.edu
Sat May 21 11:30:08 EDT 2005

Dear All,

Thank you all so much for replying to my posting! You really provide much useful information and give me great help!  I will summarize all the related messages and post the summary to the list. 

Have a nice weekend!

Jiangping Chen
University of North Texas

>>> "Alice Preston" <aliceflute at hotmail.com> 05/20/05 11:30 AM >>>
Eric Reiss wrote:

You might start by visiting the Usability Professionals' Association

They have a fair amount of good on-line material.

Here's a "war story" by David Dick about how he and his team got

Hi, Eric,

As a veteran member of these two organizations, I would like to point out 
that they are really separate groups with overlapping aims. The UPA is an 
organization for usability and user experience professionals. The STC 
(Society for Technical Communication) is an organization for technical 
communicators, and its Usability and User Experience special interest group 
(or now, community) consists of communicators with an interest in those 
subjects. Many of us belong to both organizations, and I believe you are 
right that there's great information on both sites.

For example, don't miss the bookshelf on the STC USIG site: 

We worked hard to select just the right "top 10" books (and we ended up with 
more than that). Other resources that IAs might need when they want to 
branch out and do some testing include the list of labs and facilities 
available for focus group use, the basic "toolkit" of templates for forms to 
use when setting up and conducting a test, and the archives of the group's 
award-winning newsletter.

Happy browsing--
Alice Preston
Princeton, NJ USA

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