[Sigia-l] Designing for User eXperience 2005 Reviewers Invited

Richard I. Anderson riander at well.com
Mon Jun 27 23:40:12 EDT 2005

DUX 2005 (http://www.DUX2005.org) is scheduled for November 3-5 in San
Francisco, California.

The Program Chairs continue to invite submissions, due before 17:00
PDT on July 1, 2005. For full details on the Submission format and
procedure, consult http://www.DUX2005.org .

Now, join us to as a reviewer.  Help shape the program.

Reviewers will need to be available between July 1 and August 1 to
read and comment on one or more submissions.  (You can decide how many
submissions you'll be able to handle during that month.)

If you know you're not available during the month of July, thanks for
reading this far and you can skip the rest of the message.

Reviewers:   register at Precision Conference Systems (PCS)
If you haven't seen this system before, complete these steps:
  - create a login id and password
  - read and affirm the Reviewing Agreement
  - under Reviewing Categories, indicate how many submissions you'll evaluate
   (we're using a single PCS category)
  - select Areas of Expertise that we can use to match you to submissions

If you've been a reviewer for ACM SIGCHI or its affiliated
conferences, you're already familiar with the PCS system.  However,
you'll need to register again, as DUX has a separate login from your
CHI login at PCS.  These Areas of Expertise match the keywords used to
index the successful proposals.

In fact once you have a login at PCS, you can see how to submit a proposal.

In any case, we hope to greet you at DUX 2005!
for Nancy Frishberg   nancyf at gmail.com
for the DUX2005 Program Committee
+1 415.454.2736
Designing for User eXperience 2005 Conference Co-Chair (www.dux2005.org)
User eXperience Network Executive Council (www.uxnet.org)

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