[Sigia-l] So, how did you becomea[Information Architect|UsabilityEngineer|Interface Designer|etc.]?

Boniface Lau boniface_lau at compuserve.com
Mon Jun 27 21:03:29 EDT 2005

> From: Peter Van Dijck
> Why have IA's done better at selling their field than, say,
> "Knowledge managers", or the much maligned "webmasters"?
> I have a pet theory about why IA as a field has been successful
> enough for many companies to now say "I need an IA". Basically:
> we're great at creating boundary objects (creating things that have
> different meanings for different groups of people, like wireframes).

I guess one such "boundary object" is the term "information". 

When selling the concept of information architecture, IAs don't want
clients to equate information with data. Otherwise, clients would say,
"We don't need Information Architects because we already have Data

But when IAs do their work, they no longer insist that information is
not data. They treat data as information.

Such practice is typical of marketing hype. No wonder the success in
selling the field.


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