[Sigia-l] So, how did you become a [InformationArchitect|UsabilityEngineer|Interface Designer|etc.]?

Alexander Johannesen alexander.johannesen at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 03:56:23 EDT 2005

I wrote:
> >It's not about labels; it's about people and what and how they do
> > things.

On 6/27/05, Jursa, Jan (init) <Jan.Jursa at init.de> wrote:
> Wrong. First of all it's about labels.

Wow, talk about fundamental bang and conceptual smoke! May I ask the
context of why I'm wrong? Because 'information architecture' and its
meaning is certainly not the same as what I do and what my work is.

> It's the same problem as this whole information overload thing, which in
> fact is an information deficiency problem.

Yes, there is *a* problem, but no, it isn't the same problem.

> There's not too much info pouring down on us. There is too much noise
> and redundancy in information making it hard to find the useful stuff.

Infoglut is the root of all our information trouble ... and prospects,
I might add.

"Ultimately, all things are known because you want to believe you know."
                                                         - Frank Herbert
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