[Sigia-l] So, how did you become a [InformationArchitect|UsabilityEngineer|Interface Designer|etc.]?

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Jun 27 03:55:15 EDT 2005

Jursa, Jan (init):

> It's the same problem as this whole information overload thing, which in
> fact is an information deficiency problem.

Just because a search on Google can produce 32,678,123 pages 32,678,120 of
which are not immediately useful to me does *not* mean that I have less
(access to) information than I had, say, two decades ago. In absolute and
relative terms by any measure we have more information *and* more useful
information than ever before. The fact that Google, among others, enables
that without millions of people manually "labeling" information is the icing
on the cake. That one of the most popular places where people do manually
label stuff, like Flickr, they do it in the most haphazard way that can
drive some IAs up the wall is, then, the cherry on top. :-)

Nullius in Verba 

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