[Sigia-l] Sydney IA-Peers - Wednesday 29th June

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Mon Jun 27 00:40:44 EDT 2005

The date for the next Sydney IA-Peers is set for this Wednesday, the 29th of
June. I¹ve lined up a guest speaker who is a recruiter in the interactive
digital media market with particular focus on intermediate to senior roles
in Information Architecture, Production, Technical Development, Creative and
Design. He¹ll be giving us the low-down of what¹s happening from the
recruiter¹s side, so come along and ask your questions.

The details...

Who:    IAs and like-minded folks
When:   Wednesday June 29th @ 7:00pm
Where:  Out of India Restaurant, Victoria St, Potts Point
RSVP:   eric at ironclad.net.au

If you are coming along then please drop me a line so I've got some idea of



ps: please forward this message to anyone you think might also be

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