[Sigia-l] Internal usability/UE teams

Listera listera at rcn.com
Fri Jun 24 19:16:29 EDT 2005

adamya ashk:

> Hmm. I'm sure that it would be possible to find out the average size
> of legal departments in companies of a certain size.

Sure, but what would that tell you? One shouldn't do business in the
abstract or in the average. That's aiming for mediocrity.

How many designers do you need to design the iPod? How many do you need to
design one of the many "iPod-killer" monstrosities? In design context *is*

> but at the end of it you would be able to say that 'we would need at least y
> lawyers'.

No, you wouldn't. If you're in a litigious situation you'd need more,
perhaps many more. Or none at all, if the likelihood of getting sued or
requiring legal advice is minimal; just hire an outside council when needed.
> I'm also sure Zia, that with your extensive experience of this field
> you too have some thumbrules about effort vs. scope that are
> practical. 

Only in context. Otherwise why would people pay me to scope out and solve
*specific* problems?

I don't mean to beat up on you for raising the question. At first, it sounds
like a reasonable question, but, really, it's a Jakobian "by-the-numbers"
approach to design that's hollow inside: it may be 99% bad.:-)
> And believe it or not, it is possible to quantify toilets based on occupancy.

Don't get me started on that.:-)


Generalizations are always inaccurate.

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