[Sigia-l] Lynch Mob Wanted: Flight Booking Interface Behaviour

Andrew andrew at friendlymanual.com
Tue Jun 7 07:40:47 EDT 2005

Anjali Arora, NYU wrote:

> yeah, truly the hardest thing about such design: creating magic!
>I was curious because i am working on a travel app proposal for a client; it
>is true that aside from all the usability issues pointed out here in this
>thread, what will distinguish one such from other apps is the intangibles,
>the emotions touched as the user moves around within the app.
> And that is also a hard thing to convey to clients, that it is not the 3D
>maps & such that will hold the visitor, it is how the whole is put together
>to create a unified & unique experience.
Hi Anjali,

for myself, as a user, I would be happier if they just plain worked. 
Then I have the luxury of considering any other emotion than anger and 
sadness :) If "have you considered this option instead?" can be expected 
of Google, then it can be expected of travel booking apps.

Cheers, Andrew

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