[Sigia-l] Boston-IA Meeting 6/29/2005 with Bill Gribbons at Bentley College

P.J. Gardner pjg at gidi.biz
Sat Jun 4 15:29:58 EDT 2005

Boston-IA (www.Boston-IA.org), an organization bringing together
Information Architecture and Internet Accessibility, is pleased to announce
our next meeting on June 29, 2005.  We will present Dr. Bill Gribbons of
Bentley College talking about "Universal Accessibility: Designing for the
Aging Population".  Bill is director of the graduate program in Human
Factors and Information Design at Bentley College and founder of Bentley's
Design and Usability Center.

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to learn how your accessibility
skills apply to the ever-growing market of people over 55.


Over the past several years, universal accessibility has become one of the
hottest topics in product design. The goal of this movement is to make all
design accessible to the physically disabled, cognitively disabled, and
elderly.  This talk provides an overview of the special design and
performance support requirements of the aging population. The aging
population represents the most rapidly expanding demographic segment in the
United States. The Census Bureau projects the number of people age
fifty-five and older will grow by 73% by the year 2020-- every day another
6,000 Americans turn 65.  As the population continues to age, product
designers will need to deepen their understanding of this special
population. This presentation will examine the cognitive, physiological,
and perceptual needs of this profile and offers design accommodations
required to counter the adverse effects of the aging process.

Bill is a great speaker, well-known at local and national conferences
addressing issues about information design, human factors, and the user

For more information, visit www.Boston-IA.org, or email us at
info at Boston-IA.org.


Wednesday, June 29, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the LaCava Campus Center at
Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts. Cost is $25 for friends of
Boston-IA, and $15 if you are a Boston-IA member.  Light refreshments will
be served.

Pre-register on the Meetings page at www.Boston-IA.org.

Or send us an email message at register at Boston-IA.org with "I will attend
Boston-IA on June 29" in the subject line.

Once you are pre-registered, you can pay the cost of the meeting at the
door by cash or by check made payable to "Boston-IA".  Directions and
additional information will be sent to registrants by e-mail.  You can also
check our web site for directions at:


This should be a great meeting.  Please join us.

P.J. Gardner
Information Designer
info at Boston-IA.org
Bringing Information Architecture
and Internet Accessibility Together
Gardner Information Design, Inc.
info at GIDI.biz
Custom & Accessible Websites
Information Delivery Strategies

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