[Sigia-l] Images in HTML newsletters

Eric Reiss elr at e-reiss.com
Wed Jun 1 15:22:51 EDT 2005

Yes, Ziya. Images can be content. Images can be worthwhile. Images
are simply wonderful.


The question is whether they should be included in e-mailed


---- Original Message ----
From: listera at rcn.com
To: Sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Images in HTML newsletters
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 12:00:49 -0400

>Eric Reiss:
>> May I suggest an increased emphasis on content rather than form?
>Images are not considered part of 'content'?
>The problem with rich-format email is not the fact that they contain
>non-textual elements but that we have to contend with an archaic
>correspondence format and security model.
>It's absurd, for example, that in the year of our lord 2005 we cannot
>include graphical elements in our posts in this very forum on 
>form, architecture and design.
>Nullius in Verba 
>When replying, please *trim your post* as much as possible.
>*Plain text, please; NO Attachments
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