Page numbering - was Re: [Sigia-l] menu depth/breadth representation

Stew Dean stew at
Sat Jul 2 06:25:44 EDT 2005


Looks like you've hit upon a subject that I'd like to discuss and pragmatic 
in nature.

Page numbering I started off using the 0.0 - 1.1 - 1.1.1  etc   but these 
days tend to use more letters so I don't have to renumber each time a 
change is made. Also I use   1.1.a  meaning that there may be multiple 
versions of that page.

So what about processes?  Are they 1.1.1 ,     or    do people 
use  1.1a   1.1b   etc.

Cross linking - well I use a dotted box with a line across the end (the 
dotted line is for clarity the line is something I took from SSADM).

Has anyone worked up a convention for this or is there a gap for someone to 
do this?

Stewart Dean

At 06:40 02/07/2005, Donna Maurer wrote:
>It depends on what you are doing with it (diagramming, listing, sticking 
>in a database),
>but for a list of a strict hierarchy, I number:
>0.0 Home
>1.0 Top level one
>1.1.0 Second level one
>1.2.0 Second level two
>1.3.0 Second level three
>1.3.1 Second level content one
>1.3.2 Second level content two
>2.0 Top level two
>3.0 Top level three
>4.0 Top level four
>Things ending in a 0 have something under them. Things ending in something 
>than 0 are a content page/node with nothing beneath. In the list I also 
>include key
>structural links.
>Works for me to a limited extent - it all falls apart when something needs 
>to appear in
>two places, when there is cross-linking etc

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