[Sigia-l] menu depth/breadth representation

Donna Maurer donna at maadmob.net
Sat Jul 2 01:40:54 EDT 2005

It depends on what you are doing with it (diagramming, listing, sticking in a database), 
but for a list of a strict hierarchy, I number:

0.0 Home
1.0 Top level one
1.1.0 Second level one
1.2.0 Second level two
1.3.0 Second level three
1.3.1 Second level content one 
1.3.2 Second level content two
2.0 Top level two
3.0 Top level three
4.0 Top level four

Things ending in a 0 have something under them. Things ending in something other 
than 0 are a content page/node with nothing beneath. In the list I also include key 
structural links.

Works for me to a limited extent - it all falls apart when something needs to appear in 
two places, when there is cross-linking etc


On 1 Jul 2005 at 15:51, Filipp Sapienza wrote:

> Greetings SIGIA-L people. Is there a conventional
> formulaic way to represent the depth/breadth of menus
> on a website? 
> For example, suppose you had a menu with 4 top level
> items and beneath each you had 3 items. How would you
> represent that notationally? Or how would you
> represent something with 4 items on top, 3 on the
> second-level, and a branch off one of the 3 on the
> second level to a third level? 
> Is there a conventional formula for this sort of
> thing? I have seen many different styles in the
> research literature. 
> Thank you. 
Donna Maurer
Maadmob Interaction Design

e: donna at maadmob.net
work: 	http://maadmob.com.au/
blog: 	http://maadmob.net/donna/blog/
AOL IM: maadmob

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