[Sigia-l] Junior IAs?

richard_dalton at vanguard.com richard_dalton at vanguard.com
Fri Jul 1 11:24:11 EDT 2005

Eric writes:
>On 1/7/05 11:52 PM, "richard_dalton at vanguard.com"
><richard_dalton at vanguard.com> wrote:
>> They generally assist more experience IAs on
>> projects for a few months and while doing that get some focused 
>> to the tools/techniques being used on those projects (which may be
>> different from other projects) - they then either get similar projects 
>> themselves to use those tools on or assist another IA on a different
>> project to learn some more tools/techniques.
> what's the dirty work you get them on to, to keep them busy and out of 
> hair for a bit?

I wouldn't call it "dirty work" ;-) but they typically end up doing the 
whiteboard to visio translations. They're always involved in the more fun 
stuff though - affinity exercises with stickies, etc.


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