[Sigia-l] Large-scale card sorts

Brett Lider blider at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 18:03:08 EST 2005


- Open sort (we did a good job anticipating the possible card name so
we didn't get a lot of new ones, but the category names and the number
of categories were open)

- 45 users, 45 sorts

- We did a paper sort and then created EZCalc files (ugh, ugh, ugh) to
do the cluster analysis (very valuable)

- We cut the cluster analysis by region, role, etc. in some
combinations, we were a little light on users, so i could definitely
see doubling users or targeting some of the combinations better.

Brett Lider

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 08:25:04 +1300, Trent Mankelow
<trent.mankelow at optimalusability.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone. We've just done an online closed card sort with a bank and had 2,308 valid sorts. Our previous largest sort was 135 participants, so this latest project was mammoth by our standards. So now I'm curious - what has been the largest number of participants you've done a card sort with?
> Thanks,
> Trent
> Optimal Usability
> :: People before technology ::
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